Sunday, May 23, 2010

A tribute to the Broken Heart

When was the last time some one broke your heart?
Broken Hearts always hurt, and even if people tell you that time will heal everything, a broken heart never heals.

Broken Heart ...

I share with you my feelings when i was heart broken for the first time.

An urge I had - 
was the first in life,
I knew, her beauty
was the knife ...

Which was high in flight,
without an aim -
Piercing my heart
It thought, was a nice game.

It did hit
And on target
Went through the heart,
Breaking the blood gasket.

I did see 
In her eyes,
In her thoughts,
The truth lies.

Of pure love
Glittering with its might,
As of diamonds
Gleaming in the light.

I dreamed of her night and day,
Without fail, everyday
I thought and thought 
And concluded then -
The key to her heart
Was in friendship's den.

I sensed pure love
For her deep in my heart,
I believed I should be
Of her life, a part.

Days whizzed past, with sleepless nights
I began to have a few fore sights,
She was the one I was looking for-
The one whom I was striving for.

Then with the genuine and innocent help of a quacker,
Who got us both to know each other,
I built up friendship's sheltering tree
Under which was nourished, Oh! darlin, my Love for thee!

Slowly but steadily, 
As I stepped in her heart,
I found her love lying there 
But it seemed, a class apart

For all it was, a kind of brotherly love
My heart was in pieces, lying apart.

But, she still rules my mind,
Never get off, at least for years
That was what , for me destined
For the past , several years.


  1. ~great poem...who wrote it though? The ryhms of the poem are interesting... a very powerful poem!beautiful writing, i like the mood the poem gives to the person reading it~

  2. Anonymous3:36 am

    man that is true i really like it

  3. Anonymous4:43 pm

    omg!!!!i loved it!!!

  4. Anonymous11:50 am

    i love it u have it just undergoing it and i can tell u are

  5. Anonymous4:58 am

    that is so true, i had went through heart brake twice and is still tryin to get through it...this poem is exactly how i felt the first time and also how im feelin now. this is really a awsome poem and i love it.

  6. Anonymous6:32 am

    i love the poem...but in the picture it says "does a broken heart every really mend"isnt it supposed to be ever? but great poem i loved it

  7. Anonymous4:00 am


  8. what a bloody hell nice blog dude .. ^^ !!
    mind to teach me some ? ..
    ^^ ! really appreacite you ^^ !

  9. hey Nazz thanks a lot! will love to give you advice.. thats what im good at :P
